




Opening the Golden Coffer
the secrets of the Shang Han Lun and Jin Gui Yao Lüe are ready to be revealed...

24 September 2010, Amersfoort, the Netherlands.
On 24 September 2010 the Dutch and Belgium students did their Jin Gui Yao Lüe exam.
This is also their preparation for the final exam at the Shandong University of TCM (SDUTCM) in Jinan (P.R. China) in October 2010.
The exam at the SDUTCM will last 2 days and the exam committee consists of prof. dr. Wang Xinlu, prof. dr. Jiang Jianguo, prof. dr. Tao Hanhua and prof. dr. Li Jie.

An opportunity of a lifetime. The last time that the exam committee consisting of the great experts will be together.
We'll keep you informed!


First Shang Han Lun Master Level Examination outside Asia
an important milestone for TCM in Europe

05 March 2010, Amersfoort, the Netherlands.
The first Shang Han Lun Master Level Examination outside Asia was a great success.
For two years, 21 students have studied the Shang Han Lun with great devotion and in much detail.
They have studied the Shang Han Lun step by step, line by line. Trying to understand the deeper meaning of this complex Chinese text and discovering today's clinical applications.
Eleven students participated in the exam on March 5.

According to our Chinese professors (prof. dr. Wang Xinlu, prof. dr. Jiang Jianguo, prof. dr. Tao Hanhua) it is the first time ever that a group outside Asia studied the Shang Han Lun with such devotion and in such great detail.
They are very happy to meet the students for their final exam and debate in October 2010 at the Shandong University of TCM.

The whole story with pictures can be found here.


Start of First European Practical Shang Han Lun and Jin Gui Yao Lüe Diploma Course a Huge Success!

On April 16th 2009, the First European Practical Shang Han Lun and Jin Gui Yao Lüe Diploma Course started with an official opening at the Silver Tower in Amsterdam.

This really is a milestone for TCM in Europe. For the first time in history the foundation of TCM will be studied in-depth for today's clinical application.
Students from different countries will work together for many days on this course about the most important clinical TCM classical text.
In October 2010 they will participate in an exam at the Shandong University of TCM (Jinan, China).



We also received a poem from prof. dr. Wang Xinlu - president of the Shandong University of TCM - on the same day. This poem was especially written for the opening of this course. We are very proud of this!

This poem is: "Wu Dao Feng De". The meaning is very profound and difficult to translate exactly. We can translate it as follows: "to understand Dao with the Heart and to cultivate Virtue in life."

Furthermore, we received many congratulations from experts in the field like: Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée, Peter Deadman, Mazin Al-Khafaji, prof. Wang Weixiang, Robin Tiberi, and Alex Tiberi.
Thank you for your support!


A photo impression of the opening of the First European Practical Shang Han Lun and Jin Gui Yao Lüe Diploma Course.

Kris Oosting, co-founder of the TCM Classics Research Institute, initiated the offical opening with a presentation about the structure of the course, what to expect, why TCM Classics are important, and of course what the institute is all about.


Hans Frencken, director of the Qing Bai University of TCM, expresses his admiration for this achievement and is very happy to be the facilitator of this unique course. Harm Elsinga, chairman of the NVA (Dutch Acupuncture Association), told the audience that this course really is a milestone in TCM, and a first step to a higher level of TCM in Europe.
Dr. Stefan Kirchhoff, director of the Witten University (Germany), expressed his thanks for being part of this unique project.
The University Witten/Herdecke supports our institute in Germany.


Prof. dr. Li Jie, director of the TCM Classics Research Institute and main lecturer, explains how one should study the Shang Han Lun for today's clinical practice. As he explains, you just grab the book and start ... and maybe you are overwhelmed by the richness of the Shang Han Lun ...
make sure, that you keep it close to your heart ...


but study hard and precise ... and you will notice that it actually is ... very easy.
The two founders of our institute present prof. dr. Wang Xinlu with the course materials of the Shang Han Lun ...

and a picture with all the first European participants next to an illustration of Zhang Zhong-Jing. Prof. dr. Wang Xinlu treats difficult cases in front of an audience of over 70 practitioners and students.
Dr. Cui Hongjiang, director of Foreign Affairs of the Shandong University of TCM, emphasized in his speech that our collaboration is both inspiring and important.
Especially, now that the Shang Han Lun and Jin Gui Yao Lüe gained so much in popularity in the West.



Pictures by Jean Chin and Kris Oosting (2009).